
Saturday 28 April 2018

southwestern slope of Hemerdon Bal

Hemerdon Mine (approx. 0.2 km; TUNGSTEN & TIN)
Bottle Hill (approx. 0.8 km; COPPER, TIN & ARSENIC)
Wheal Mary Hutchings (approx. 0.9 km; TIN & ARSENIC)
Lobb Mine (approx. 0.9 km; TIN & ARSENIC)
Sidney Mine (approx. 2.4 km; TIN & ARSENIC)
Borringdon Consols (approx. 4.5 km; LEAD, SILVER, ZINC, ARSENOPYRITE & COPPER)
Cann Mine (approx. 4.9 km)
Shaugh Mine (approx. 6.0 km; IRON)
Ivybridge Consols (approx. 8.1 km; SILVER-LEAD)
Kit (approx. 9.0 km; TIN)

Including Mary Hutchings, the mines lie on the southwestern slope of Hemerdon Bal, about two miles northeast of Plympton. Mary Hutchings sett lay to the west working a single lode from Engine Shaft. Hemerdon Consols worked three lodes.

Production records report that for Mary Hutchings between 1866 and 1880 - 426 tons of black tin. Between 1873 and 1879 - 263 tons of arsenic. 188 tons of mispickel were raised between 1874-76. For Hemerdon Consols in 1855-56 23 tons of black tin were raised.