(Tills ballad is given from an old black-letter copy in the Pepys collection.] |
W h y doe you boast o f Arthur and his knightes,
Knowing ‘ well ’ how many men have endured fightes ?
For besides King Arthur, and Lancelot du lake, I
)r Sir Tristram de Lionel, that fought for ladies sake;
It cad in old histories, and there you shall see I low St. George,
St. George the dragon made to flee, hi, George he was for England;
St. Dennis was for France j
Sing, IToni soit qui mat y pense.
Mark our father Abraham, when first he resckued Lot I inely with his household, what conquest there he got:
I hivid was elected a prophet and a king, I le slew the great Goliah, with a stone within a sling :
Vet these were not knightes of the table round; I Nor St. George, St. George, who the dragon did confound. Ill, George he was for England ; St. Dennis was for France ;
Sing, Honi soit qui mal y pense.
.biphthah and Gideon did lead their men to fight,
I hey conquered the Amorites, and put them all to flight I (ercules his labours ‘ were ’ on the plaines of Basse;
J And Sampson slew a thousand with the jawbone of an asse,
* Suffer.