
Monday, 19 December 2011

wind turbines in the South West.

Two hundred more wind turbines for South West?

To put that in context there are currently just over 100 - so that would mean a threefold increase.
Senior figures in the renewable energy industry are calling for nearly 200 more onshore wind turbines in the South West.

Here's Robert Norris from Renewable UK (the trade and professional body for the UK wind and marine renewables industries) setting out his stall:
The cue for this was the government's recently published Carbon Plan, which aims to generate 30% of the country's electricity from renewable sources by 2020.
This envisages a combination of onshore and offshore wind helping in the push to meet the target.
At the moment three quarters of Britain's wind power is generated onshore.
According to Mr Norris, though, offshore will be the dominant partner within the next 10 years.
But he insists this still leaves a large gap to be filled by onshore turbines - "the cheapest form of renewable technology which can be deployed on a mass scale in the time frame that we need".
'Giant' turbines
And Mr Norris isn't a lone voice.

Johnny Gowdy, director at Regen South West, agreed that 200 more onshore turbines was "about right" when he joined me on the Politics Show this week.
Wind turbines
Cornwall Council is also talking about adding more onshore turbines to the county's sizable existing stock - though "not thousands", according to Cllr Julian German, Cabinet Member for Climate Change.
Everybody agrees that new wind farms are likely to be much smaller clusters of just two or three turbines.
The turbines themselves, though, will be much bigger - like the giants inaugurated by Energy Secretary Chris Huhne at Delabole this spring.
Needless to say, the prospect of the region's wind turbine population tripling - and the turbines themselves doubling in height - is a nightmarish vision to some.
Folly or solution?
Steve Bazeley, chairman of Residents against Turbines, which campaigned unsuccessfully against the installation of a new generation at Carland Cross near Truro, dismisses wind turbines as "inefficient, unreliable and expensive".
"Wind turbine generation", he says, "is going to prove to be, in the long term, the biggest folly that this generation has ever had to stump up for".
Wind turbines in countryside
And before you even get on to arguments about efficiency, reliability and cost effectiveness, many people voice the more fundamental objection that turbines are unacceptable eyesores.
It's now clear, though, that onshore turbines won't be standing aside or slipping quietly into retirement to make way for their offshore cousins any time soon.
But getting 200 giant windmills through the planning system will be interesting and eventful to say the least.

Cornish shipwreck

Mount Edgcumbe to display Cornish shipwreck cargo

Mount Edgcumbe estate by Stephen BennettThe exhibition will include interactive displays and an introductory film about the ship

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Artefacts from a ship that sank off the Cornish coast in the 18th century will be on show at a country park when £41,000 has been secured.
The Metta Catharina sank in 1786 off south east Cornwall. Its cargo, including calf hides and glassware will be on display at Mount Edgcumbe House.
For 32 years divers have retrieved the artefacts which will be on show alongside an exhibition in 2013.
A lottery grant has provided the money to help fund the project.
Items found on the Metta Catharina von Flensburg included Russian calf hides, wine carriers, clay tobacco pipes and shoe buckles, a spokesperson from Plymouth City Council said.
'Fitting location'
Ian Skelton, chairman of the Metta Catharina Trust, said: "It is wonderful news that after 32 years of diving and research, the story of it can be told.
"Mount Edgcumbe is a fitting location for the artefacts to be displayed."
The total cost of the project will be £60,500 with additional funding coming from the Friends of Mount Edgcumbe, the Metta Catharina Trust and Mount Edgcumbe, the council spokesperson added.
Hides at the wreck siteDivers found the Metta Catharina in 1973
The Metta Catharina lay almost completely buried in deep silt off Mount Edgcumbe and was discovered by divers in 1973.
Some of the leather recovered from the wreck was "extremely well preserved", the council spokesperson added.
The exhibition will include interactive displays and an introductory film about the ship.
Mount Edgcumbe House & Country Park is jointly owned and managed by Plymouth City Council and Cornwall Council.

cash bid for Military Wives Choir single

VAT cash bid for Military Wives Choir single by Devon MP

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Tax raised from the sales of a hit single should be donated to armed forces' charities, a Devon MP has said.
Wherever You Are was written for Gareth Malone's Military Wives Choir whose husbands served in Afghanistan.
The song is tipped to knock X Factor's Little Mix off the top of the charts and become the Christmas number one.
Oliver Colvile, Conservative MP for Plymouth Sutton and Devonport, is to ask the Treasury to donate the VAT to the choir's chosen charities.
The song was performed by the women from Chivenor and Plymouth at the Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall in November.
Live aid 'precedent'
Proceeds from the sale of the single will go to the Royal British Legion and the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen Families Association (SSAFA).
Mr Colville said allowing the charities to benefit from the VAT would not only help them continue to deliver good mental health services for military personnel, but would also be a fitting way to thank their families.
"I think its very, very important that we thank the families and wives who have put up with an enormous amount during the course of the past nine or 10 years," he told BBC News.
The Military Wives Choir, featured in the BBC Two television programme The Choir, is made up of about 100 wives and girlfriends from RMB Chivenor in north Devon and Plymouth.
Their husbands and partners spent six months earlier this year in Afghanistan as part of 3 Commando Brigade and the song is based on letters sent and received during the deployment.
Prime Minister David Cameron praised the choir after it performed at 10 Downing Street during a reception for troops involved in operations in Libya.
Mr Colville said, although he was not confident the government would agree, a precedent had been set in 2004 when VAT raised by sales from a new version of Do They Know It's Christmas was given to Bob Geldof's Live Aid charity.
Mr Colvile will make his request to the Secretary of State for Defence in the House of Commons later.
"If you don't bother to ask the question, nobody's going to take any notice," he added.
The Official Singles Chart will announce the Christmas number one on Christmas Day.

Money raised for homeles sstaff

Chudleigh pub fire: Money raised for homeles sstaff 

Investigators believe the blaze, which gutted much of the Old Coaching House, in Chudleigh on Wednesday night, was accidental.

The fire also left a number of staff without a home.
Residents took to the streets with buckets to collect money for them and visited other pubs in the area too.
Fire at Coaching Inn A quiz evening is also being planned for Friday at the nearby Globe pub to raise funds.
Local resident Chris Fleet said: "The local community has really come together. Stuff has been donated, there's about £1,000 collected now.
"For some of the staff, quite literally the clothes they were wearing for work that night, that's all they have left in the world."
The fire is believed to have started just before closing time on Wednesday.
It took more than 30 firefighters about 24 hours to extinguish the fire in the old building.
The fire came at one of the pub's busiest times of the year with hundreds of people booked in for Christmas and New Year's Eve.
Managers said they hoped they would be able to transfer bookings to a function room separate to the main pub.
However, they said that depended on getting health and safety clearance.

Friday, 16 December 2011

Wikileaks: Bradley Manning military hearing bias row

Wikileaks: Bradley Manning military hearing bias row

Bradley Manning (L) is escorted from the court at Fort Meade, Maryland, on 16 December 2011Bradley Manning is accused of leaking 720,000 diplomatic and military documents
A military officer overseeing the hearing of the US Army analyst accused of leaking government secrets has rejected a request to recuse himself.
The request was made by a defence lawyer for Private Bradley Manning, 23, as he appeared at a military court.
He faces 22 charges of obtaining and distributing government secrets - which he allegedly leaked to anti-secrecy site Wikileaks.
The Article 32 hearing will determine whether Pte Manning is to stand trial.
During the hearing, expected to last several days, prosecution and defence lawyers will each make their initial cases and are permitted to cross-examine witnesses.
The hearing offers the first opportunity for Pte Manning's defence team to present their case since he was arrested in Iraq in May 2010 and placed in military custody.
It is taking place under tight security at an army base at Fort Meade, Maryland.
Pte Manning sat in the courtroom dressed in military khaki and wearing black-rimmed glasses.
But his defence team quickly switched focus by asking for the investigating officer - equivalent to a judge in a civilian court - to withdraw from the case.
Defence lawyer David Coombs said Lt Col Paul Almanza, the investigating officer, was "biased".

At the scene

For almost everyone present, this is our first glimpse of the man accused of the biggest leak of confidential material in American history. Private Manning sat in uniform, wearing thick-rimmed glasses, hands clasped before him. In his only remarks so far, he said he understood his rights and confirmed the identities of the one civilian and two military officers representing him.
But the focus of attention was the investigating officer. Manning's civilian lawyer demanded he recuse himself, arguing that as prosecutor for the Department of Justice, Lt Col Paul Almanza works for an organisation actively pursuing a separate case against Wikileaks.
Mr Coombs said Lt Col Almanza's decision to reject defence witnesses, as well as the government's alleged reluctance to put forward witnesses to explain the damage done by the leaks suggested Almanza was biased.
"Where's the damage? Where's the harm?" Mr Coombs demanded, in an early indication of part of his defence strategy. Lt Col Almanza announced a recess to consider the defence plea. It could last some time.
Lt Col Almanza is a former military judge who now works for the Department of Justice, which has its own investigation into Wikileaks. His refusal to accept all but two of 38 defence witnesses meant the defence could not adequately make their case, Mr Coombs said.
Following two recesses and arguments by the prosecution and the defence, the investigating officer refused to recuse himself and the hearing continued.
Proceedings are expected to last around five days, according to Mr Coombs.
Afterwards, recommendations will be made to a military general, who will decide whether to proceed to a full trial.
The BBC's Paul Adams says the soldier's defence team is likely to argue that little harm came of the leaks, and that their release was in the greater public interest.
Assange link?
Pte Manning has also been charged with "aiding the enemy", a charge that could carry the death penalty. However, reports say prosecutors will only seek a prison sentence.
He is accused of the unauthorised possession and distribution of more than 720,000 secret diplomatic and military documents.
"If it is the case that Bradley Manning is indeed the source of this and other Wikileaks materials, Manning would have single-handedly changed hundreds of thousands of people's lives for the better," Wikileaks said in a statement.

The Wikileaks disclosures

"This material has contributed to ending dictatorships in the Middle East, it has exposed torture and wrongdoing in all the corners of the world and it has held diplomatic bodies and politicians accountable for the words, deals and pacts held behind close doors," Wikileaks said.
One of the key questions is expected to be whether Pte Manning had any kind of relationship with Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, our correspondent at Fort Meade says.
Mr Assange is also embroiled in a legal battle, facing extradition to Sweden from the UK to face sexual assault charges. As Pte Manning was preparing for his own court appearance on Friday, the UK Supreme Court agreed to hear an appeal from Mr Assange against his extradition ruling.
Detention conditions
Pte Manning was arrested after a computer hacker went to US authorities with details of an online exchange he had had with Pte Manning in which he allegedly confessed to the data theft.
The conditions of Pte Manning's confinement since his arrest have been denounced in the US and abroad.
PJ Crowley: "I think it is a necessary prosecution"
State department spokesman PJ Crowley resigned after publicly criticising the detention conditions of Pte Manning, and British politicians and members of the European Parliament have also spoken out on the subject.
Pte Manning was brought to the maximum security prison at Quantico in July 2010, where he was held in isolation and was reported to have had his clothing removed at night as a suicide-prevention measure.
But in April 2011 Pte Manning was moved to a lower-security prison at Fort Leavenworth, where his lawyers say conditions are better.

With the Iraq War coming to an end after nearly a decade, troops returning home might find themselves in a job market without many jobs available.

Hemyock - A Village on the Blackdown Hills

Scattered showerslocally wintry over the Moorscontinuing through the first partof the nightparticularly across CornwallLargely dry and clear after midnight

BBC Weather : Teignmouth

Skip to content; Skip to local navigation; Skip to bbc.co.uk navigation; Skip to ....Scattered showerslocally wintry over the Moorscontinuing through the first partof the ... Largely dry and clear after midnightalthough showers continuing across some western areas, with a widespread frost and some icy stretches forming. ...

BBC Weather : Penryn

Skip to content; Skip to local navigation; Skip to bbc.co.uk navigation; Skip to ....Evening ... Moorscontinuing through the first part of the nightparticularly across CornwallLargely dry and clear after midnightalthough showers continuing across some western areas, with a widespread frost and some icy stretches forming. ...

Penlee lifeboat and her eight crew members were lost off the Cornish coast

It is nearly 30 years since the Penlee lifeboat and her eight crew members were lost off the Cornish coast as they tried to rescue a cargo ship in hurricane force winds.
Eight of those they were trying to rescue also died.
As the anniversary approaches, the RNLI says it's struggling to raise the money it needs to operate.
Louise Hubball reports from the lifeboat station.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Flybe launches three new routes

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Flybe launches three new routes from Norwich Airport

The budget airline Flybe has announced plans to operate three new routes from Norwich International Airport.
The firm, along with its partner Loganair, will fly to Exeter, Manchester and Newquay from March 2012.
The move will create 15 new jobs for pilots, cabin crew and engineering staff in Norwich, a spokesman said.
Jonathan Hinkles, Loganair's chief operating officer, said: "Improved air links and the creation of new jobs in the city is great news for Norwich."
Loganair also plans to base an aircraft at the airport.
Daily services between Norwich and Exeter will start on 25 March.
A new summer service to Newquay will operate on Wednesdays and Saturdays between 5 May and 22 September.
Three return flights to Manchester every day will start on Monday 5 March.

Tom Daley performed

He will hope to perform a similar dive to win Olympic gold in 12 months time.

But last night Tom Daley performed arguably one of the most important dives of his career to date.
The 17-year-old former world champion performed an inward one-and-a-half piked somersault from the 10-metre board to celebrate the opening of the Olympic Aquatic Centre exactly one year before the games.
A cheering crowd gave the diver a ten second countdown before he sprung off the board and plunged to the water below.
Honour: Tom Daley performs the ceremonial first dive into the water at the newly opened aquatics centre at the Olympic Park
Honour: Tom Daley performs the ceremonial first dive into the water at the newly opened aquatics centre at the Olympic Park
Impressive: Daley performs his one and a half somersault with pike dive at the pool, which he described as 'absolutely incredible'
Impressive: Daley performs his one and a half somersault with pike dive at the pool, which he described as 'absolutely incredible'
Flying high: Daley takes off from the ten metre board, a height at which he has previously won a world championship in 2009
Flying high: Daley takes off from the ten metre board, a height at which he has previously won a world championship in 2009
Not making a splash: Tom Daley plunges into the dive pool after completing the dive
Not making a splash: Tom Daley plunges into the dive pool after completing the dive
Graphic explaining the medals to presented at London 2012
As Daley performed the dive, across London a large crowd had gathered at Trafalgar Square to celebrate the anniversary.
The event saw International Olympic Committee chief Jacques Rogge, alongside London Mayor Boris Johnson and David Cameron, officially inviting the 200 nations who will take part to the Games.
The Prime Minister described the celebrations as 'a great night for London, a great night for Britain'.
He recalled the joyous scenes six years ago when Trafalgar Square erupted with cheers when London was named as the next host city.
Mr Cameron said: 'Six years on with one year to go, the sense of excitement is even greater today than it was then.
'I think this has the makings of a great British success story. With a year to go it is on time and on budget. I believe this can be a great advertisement for our country.'
London calling: Flanked by both Princess Anne and David Cameron, IOC president Jacques Rogge addresses the crowds in Trafalgar Square
London calling: Flanked by both Princess Anne and David Cameron, IOC president Jacques Rogge addresses the crowds in Trafalgar Square
London's Mayor: Boris Johnson speaks to the crowd
David Cameron makes a speech to the crowd at the party in Trafalgar Square
Speeches: London Mayor Boris Johnson and PM David Cameron delivered short statements on the game to the gathered crowd
Mr Rogge added: 'On 6 July, 2005 a dream was born when the IOC awarded the 2012 games to London.
'The world's finest athletes began dreaming of competing in this magnificent city in packed state of the art venues and in front of passionate crowds.
'As in 1908 and 1948 they knew they would be coming to the nation that invented modern sport and the concept of fair play.'
The ceremony ended with the grand unveiling of the gold, silver and bronze medal designs that athletes will compete for next year.
The medal was designed by artist David Watkins and take a circular form which is intended to be a metaphor for the world. He said he was 'absolutely delighted' with the finished product.
Grand unveiling: Double gold winners Dame Kelly Holmes and Lord Coe show off the medals on stage in Trafalgar Square
Grand unveiling: Double gold winners Dame Kelly Holmes and Lord Coe show off the medals on stage in Trafalgar Square
Going for gold: These are the medal designs for victorious athletes during the London Olympics, which begin in exactly a year's time
Going for gold: These are the medal designs for victorious athletes during the London Olympics, which begin in exactly a year's time
Weighty: Each medal measures 85mm in diameter and 7mm thick and weighs in at 375-400g, making them some of the biggest Olympic medals ever
Weighty: Each medal measures 85mm in diameter and 7mm thick and weighs in at 375-400g, making them some of the biggest Olympic medals ever
Each measures 85mm in diameter and 7mm thick and weighs in at 375-400g, making them some of the biggest Olympic medals ever.
The front of each medals depict the same imagery used at every Summer Games, that of the Greek Goddess of Victory, Nike, stepping out of the Partenon to a host city.
On the London medals, the back will contain five symbolic elements, including the London 2012 sign and items which are meant to be symbolic of achievement and effort.
The medals' unveiling came on a day of celebration in London as figures from across the world of sport gathered at the locations across the city to mark the occasion, including at the newly finished aquatics centre.