
Monday, 7 May 2018



"Chageyford in the dirt"—The making of Chagford—The old clerk—The church—Tincombe Lane—Chagford Common—Flint finds— Scaur Hill circle—Stone rows—The Tolmen—The Teign river— Camps on it—Drewsteignton cromlech—Gidleigh—Old farmhouses —Fernworthy—The Grey Wethers—Teignhead House—Browne's House—Story about it—Grimspound—Birch Tor stone rows— Chaw Gully—The Webburn.

CHAGFORD is in Domesday written Chageford, and this is the local pronunciation of the name at the present day. The natives say, "Chageford in the dirt—O good Lord!"
But Chagford has had the ability and promptitude to get out of the dirt and prove itself to be anything but a stick-in-the-mud place. It is with places as with people, some have good luck fall to them, others make their fortunes for themselves. Okehampton belongs to the former class, Chagford to the latter. It owes almost everything to a late rector, who, resolved on pushing the place, invited down magazine editors and professional littérateurs entertained them, drove them about, and was rewarded by articles appearing in journals and serials, belauding Chagford for its salubrious climate, its incomparable scenery, its ready hospitality, its rural sweetness, and its archaeological interest.
Whither the writers pointed with their pens, thither the public ran, and Chagford was made. It has now every appliance suitable—pure water, electric lighting, telephone, a bicycle shop, and doctors to patch broken heads and set broken limbs of those upset from the "bikes."
Chagford is undoubtedly a picturesque and pleasant spot. It is situated near Dartmoor, and is sheltered from the cold and from the rainy drift that comes from the south-west. The lodging-house keepers know how to make visitors comfortable, and to charge for so doing. The church has been restored, coaches run to bring visitors, and the roads and lanes have been widened.
I recall the church before modern ideas had penetrated to Chagford. At that time the clerk, who also led the orchestra, gave out the psalm from his seat under the reading-desk, then, whistling the tune, he marched slowly down the nave, ascended to the gallery with leisure, and the performance began.
The church, dedicated to S. Michael, was rebuilt in the middle of the fifteenth century, when the Gorges family owned much land in the parish. Their cognisance, the whirlpool, a canting cognisance (gurges) appears in the bosses of the roof. It contains two monuments of some importance: one is a handsome stone altar tomb, with a canopy supported on columns, in memory of Sir John Whiddon, of Whiddon Park, Judge of Queen's Bench, who died in 1575; the other is to commemorate John Prouze, who died in 1664.
The Three Crowns Inn, opposite the church, is a picturesque building of the seventeenth century. Chagford was one of the Stannary towns, but no remains of the court-house exist.
On Mattadon, above the town, stands a rude early cross of granite.
The ascent to the moor by Tincombe Lane, as I remember it half a century ago, was no better than a watercourse, strewn with boulders, to be scrambled up or down at the risk of dislocation of the ankle. It then well merited the descriptive lines:—

"Tincombe Lane is all uphill
   Or downhill, as you take it;
 You tumble up, and crack your crown,
   Or tumble down and break it.

"Tincombe Lane is crook'd and straight,
   Here pothook, there as arrow,
 'Tis smooth to foot, 'tis full of rut,
   'Tis wide, and then, 'tis narrow.

"Tincombe Lane is just like life,
   From when you leave your mother;
 'Tis sometimes this, 'tis sometimes that,
   'Tis one thing or the other."

Now all is changed. A steam-roller goes up and down Tincombe Lane, the angles have been rounded, the precipitous portions made easy, the ruts filled up. And life likewise is now made easy for the rising generation—possibly too easy. Ruggedness had a charm of its own, and bred vigour of constitution and moral physique.
Chagford having lost, by death, the whistling clerk, started a blind organist. Now, also, he is gone. Every peculiarity is being crushed out of modern life by the steam-roller, civilisation.
Chagford Common, as I recall it, half a century ago, was strewn thick with hut circles. One ascended to it by Tincombe Lane and came into a prehistoric world, a Pompeii of a past before Rome was. It was dense with hut circles, pounds, and every sort of relic of the ancient inhabitants of the moor. But inclosures have been made, and but a very few relics of the aboriginal settlement remain. One of the most curious, the "Roundy Pound," only escaped through urgent remonstrance made to spare it. The road carried over the common annually eats up the remains of old, as the road-menders take away the stones from the hut circles to metal the highway.
At Batworthy, one of the inclosures, there must have been anciently a manufactory of flint tools and weapons. Countless spalls of flint and a fine collection of fabricated weapons and tools have been found there, and the collection has been presented from this place to the Plymouth Municipal Museum.
On Gidleigh Common, beside the Teign, opposite Batworthy, is Scaur Hill circle. It consists of thirty-two stones, at present, of which eight are prostrate. The highest of the stones is a little over six feet. The circle is ninety-two feet in diameter. Apparently leading towards this ring, on the Chagford side of the river, was a very long double row of stones, with a second double row or avenue branching from it.
There was a third double row, which started from the Longstone, near Caistor Rock. This Longstone
is still standing, but the stone rows have been
Plan of Stone Rows Near Caster Rock-A Book of Dartmoor.jpg
Plan of Stone Rows Near Caster Rock
(Taken in 1851, Scale 1/12 in. to 10 feet.)
A. The Longstone. Hence in a northerly direction the row continued for 520 feet.
B. Cairn. C. Cairn with ring of stones.
shamefully robbed by a farmer to build his newtake walls. I give plan of the rows as taken by me in 1851. There was another line of stones leading from the Three Boys to the Longstone. The Three Boys were three big stones that have disappeared, and the line from them has also been obliterated. This portion I unfortunately did not plan in 1851.
In the valley of the Teign is the so-called tolmen, a natural formation. In the same slab or stone may be seen the beginnings of a second hole. But it is curious as showing that the river at one time rolled at a higher elevation than at present. The scenes on a ramble up the river from Chagford to Holy Street Mill and the mill itself are familiar to many, as having furnished subjects for pictures in the Royal Academy.
The river Teign below Whiddon Park winds in and out among wooded precipitous hills to where the Exeter road descends in zigzags to Fingle Bridge, passing on its way Cranbrook Castle, a stone camp. The brook in the name is a corruption of burgh or burrh. On the opposite side of the valley, frowning across at Cranbrook, is Prestonbury Camp.
With advantage the river may be followed down for several miles to Dunsford Bridge, and the opportunity is then obtained of gathering white heath which grows on the slopes. At Shilstone in Drewsteignton is the only cromlech in the county. It is a fine monument. A few years ago it fell, but has been re-erected in its old position. After recent ploughing flints may be picked up in the field where it stands.
Gidleigh merits a visit, the road to it presenting many delicious peeps. Gidleigh possesses the ruin of a doll castle that once belonged to the Prouze family. The church contains a screen in good preservation. In the parish of Throwleigh is the interesting manor house Wanson, of which I have told a story in my Old English Home.
But perhaps more interesting than manor houses are the old farm buildings in the neighbourhood of Chagford, rapidly disappearing or being altered out of recognition to adapt them to serve as lodging-houses to receive visitors.
One such adaptation may be noticed in Tincombe Lane. An old house is passed, where the ancient mullioned windows have been heightened and the floors and ceilings raised, to the lasting injury of the house itself, considered from a picturesque point of view. A passable road leads up the South Teign to Fernworthy, a substantial farm in a singularly lone spot. But there was another farm even more lonely at Assacombe, where a lateral stream descends to the Teign, but it has been abandoned, and consists now of ruin only. Near it is a well-preserved double stone row leading from a cairn and finishing at a blocking-stone.
At Fernworthy itself is a circle of upright stones and the remains of several stone rows sorely mutilated for the construction of a newtake wall. In a tumulus near these monuments was found an urn containing ashes, with a flint knife, and another, very small, of bronze or copper, and a large polished button of horn. On Chagford Common, near Watern Hill, is a double pair of rows leading from a cairn and a small menhir, to blocking - stones. Although the stones of which they are composed are small, the rows are remarkably well preserved.
It will repay the visitor to continue his ascent of the South Teign to the Grey Wethers, two circles of stone, of which, however, many are fallen. Here exploration, such as has been conducted at Fernworthy circle, shows that the floors are deep in ashes, and this leads to the surmise that the circles were the crematories of the dead who lie in the cairns and tunnels in the neighbourhood.
Near the source of the North Teign is Teignhead House, one of the most solitary spots in England. A shepherd resides there, but it is not for many winters that a woman can endure the isolation and retain her reason.
And yet there remain the ruins of a house in a still more lonely situation. The moorman points it out as Browne's House.
Although, judging from the dilapidation and the lichened condition of the stones, one could have supposed that this edifice was of great antiquity, yet it is not so by any means. There are those still alive who remember when the chimney fell; and who had heard of both the building, the occupying, and the destruction of Browne's House. Few indeed have seen the ruin, for it is in so remote a spot that only the shepherd, the rush-cutter, and the occasional fisherman approach it.
On the Ordnance Survey, faint indications of inclosures are given on the spot, but no name is
attached. Yet every moorman, if asked what these
Grimspound, and Entrance-A Book of Dartmoor.jpg
Grimspound, and Entrance
ruins are, will tell you that it is the wreck of Browne's House.
The story told me relative to this solitary spot was that Browne, an ungainly, morose man, had a pretty young wife, of whom he was jealous. He built this place in which to live with her away from the society of men, and the danger such proximity might bring to his connubial happiness.
Grimspound will be visited from Chagford. The way to it after leaving the high-road from Post Bridge to Moreton, which it crosses, traverses Shapleigh Common, where are numerous inclosures in connection with hut circles. One of these is very large, and constructed of huge slabs of granite. Several of these larger circles were occupied only in summer, it would appear, as there are scanty traces of fire in them, whereas attached to them are small huts, the floors of which are thickly strewn with charcoal and fragments of pottery, and presumably the cooking was done in these latter.
Grimspound is an irregular circular inclosure containing four acres within the boundary wall. It is situated on the slope of a hill, and the position is obviously ill-adapted for defence, as it is commanded by higher ground on three sides. A little stream, the Grimslake, flows through the inclosure.
The wall itself is double-faced, and the two faces have fallen inwards. This shows that the core could not have been of turf, as in that case shrubs would have rooted themselves therein and have thrust the walls outward. In several places openings appear from the inside of the pound into the space between the walls. It is possible that this intermediate hollow was used for stores, and that the walls were tied together with timber, and surmounted with a parapet of turf. A trackway from Manaton to Headland Warren runs through the pound, and the wall has been broken through for this purpose in two places; but the original entrance to the S.S.E. is perfect, and is paved, and in it three steps have been formed, as the descent was into the pound, another token that the inclosure was not intended as a fortress.
The entrance is 8 feet wide, and no outwork was constructed to protect it from being "rushed" by an enemy. The walls of the inclosure here and throughout are from 10 feet to 12 feet thick, and stone does not exist in any part which could raise them above 5 feet 6 inches in height. Each wall is 3 feet 6 inches wide at base, and was 3 feet at top. On the west side is a huge slab set on edge, measuring 10 feet by 5 feet, and it is from 9 inches to 1 foot in thickness, and weighs from 3 to 4 tons. Other stones, laid in courses, if not so long, are not of less weight. Such a wall as that inclosing Grimspound would cost, with modern appliances and with horse power for drawing the stone, three guineas per land yard, and a land yard would engage four men for a week.
When, moreover, we consider that the circumference of the wall measures over 1,500 feet, it becomes obvious that a large body of men must have been engaged in the erection.
Presumably Grimspound was not a fortified village,
Grimspound-A Book of Dartmoor.jpg
and was merely a pound into which cattle were driven for protection against wolves. It is just
possible, but hardly probable, that it was the place of refuge for the scattered population on Hookner and Hamildon.
Within the pound are twenty-four hut circles; most have been explored, and one (No. III. on the plan) has been partially restored, and is inclosed within a railing. The object of this restoration was to discover, by piling up the stones found in and about the wall of the hut, what its height had been originally, and this was determined to have been four feet.
Unless wantonly injured by trippers, it will serve to exhibit what the structure of these habitations was, with its paved platform as bed, and its hearth and vestibule.
A double hut (XVIII., XIX.) is interesting because a tall stone was erected beside it, as though to indicate it as being the residence of some man of importance, maybe the sheik of the community. In hut XVI. is a double bed, one couch divided from the other by upright stones.
In several of the huts, in the floor, are laid flat stones with a smooth surface, and it was supposed that these served as chopping-stones, but further explorations have led to the belief that they were employed to sustain a central pole that upheld the roof.
On the col above Grimspound, near the source of Grimslake, is a cairn that contains a small kistvaen, and is surrounded by a circle of stones set upright.
Plan of Hut III., Grimspound-A Book of Dartmoor.jpg
Plan of Hut III., Grimspound
Numerous cairns crown the heights. One immense tumulus, King's Barrow, has at some unknown time
been excavated with great labour.
The great central trackway crosses Hamildon, and is very perfect where it does so. It had apparently no connection whatever with Grimspound.
From Grimspound may be seen, on the brow of the ridge connecting Birch Tor and Challacombe Down, a series of stone rows. They lead to a blocking-stone, or menhir, at the south extremity. The northern end has been destroyed by tin- streamers, whose works in Chaw Gully are interesting, for mining has been combined with streaming. The rock has been cut through, but no signs of the use of iron wedges for splitting the granite can here be discovered. It is traditionally told that what was done was to cut a groove in the granite, fill that with quicklime, and pour water on it. The lime in swelling split the rock. Ravens nest here; and I have seen rock doves and the pair of ravens nesting almost side by side.
Below is the Webburn, the stream turned up by tinners. There one mine continues in activity—the "Golden Dagger." Above is Vitifer, where fortunes have been made—and lost; mostly the latter by investors, mainly the former by the "captains" and promoters.
Near Manaton-A Book of Dartmoor.jpg

Near Manaton

'The vyndefeld men of dene had Ougborowe

Dart moor bukfastleigb
lion of trees; roads, reddish-brown between red lines for principal routes; single red and reddish-brown for less-important roads; moorland tracks white between black lines; churches drawn in elevation and in different sizes; Buckland Abbey and Tavistock named; boundary marks of Dartmoor named in scrolls and marked by a series of roundels; where boundary is indicated by individual stones a cairn is drawn except for Siward’s Cross which is shown by a cross; where names are too close to be written legibly they are marked by letter keyed to a list enclosed in rectangular cartouche, 23.4cms x 17.1cms Decoration: cartouche: simple acanthus with pendant acorn below Note:: modern copy [needing repair] at Duchy of Cornwall DCO 589 Publication: j,V. Somers Cocks, ‘Dartmoor Devonshire’ in Local Maps & Plans from Medieval England, R.A. Skelton & P.D.A. Harvey eds, (OUP, 1986), 293-302
temp. Henry VIII    PRO    S.C.    12/2/39
Title: informacions for my lorde prynce to the kynges most Honorable Counsell concernyng my said Lrde prynces Forest of Dartmoor in the Countye of Devonshire &c in the mores & wastes to the same belongyn’
Surveyor: not named Sc ale: not given
Material, Size & Orientation: parchment, ?ink; 2 sheets, 61cms x 80cms and 51,3cms x 65cms; no direction Content: four concentric circles:-
Inner circle, diameter 16.9cms. ‘This lytell compas betokenyth the Foreste. The seconde compas betokenythe the waste ehich lyeth from the Forest unto the ... hit ys callyd the Commyners of I levonshire. The thirde compas Betokenithe the vyndefylde men there whichc be the kynges and myelorde princes is tenants. The fourthe compas betokenyth the hole shere of Devonshire. The lytell ?forykes aboute thecorndyches ys callyd the Lypeyattes for to goo unto the wast more and Forest’
Second circle, diameter 23.8ems, segmented:- ‘Este lypc yatte North ockentin yatte Weste pykeyeatte Southe sceryton yeatte’
third circle, diameter 29.8cms. 'The vyndefeld men of dene had Ougborowe The vyndelelde men ofcornewode had Harfford The vyndeflde men of schystor had meavye The vyndefelde men of Shaye|Shaugh| and Whittechurche, The vyndelfelde men of
Devon Maps
Walkynton and Samford The vynefelde men of Okenton and Southawt: The vynfelde men of Gydley and Throwely The vynde-felde men of Chageford and Manaton’
Fourth circle, diameter 36.8cms [no inscription]
Note: written information on the wintering of cattle on the K ing’s tennants holdings
Endorsed: lands of the Abbot of Buckfast expressed as a diagrammatic plan. Closes are shown as rectangles and include ‘a close callyd knowthome that the fyer bekon standith on’ with a drawing of the beacon; a road described as ‘This waye lyethe from Dartbrogge towardes the Forest of Dartmore’; ‘Parish church of Buckfastlee’ shown as a representation of a tower with a letter P superimposed; representation of a castle; details of rents payable Publication: E.J. Beer, Buckfastleigh Remembered (Privately published, 1981), map of Buckfastleigh only

DARTMOORDart moor bukfastleigb
lion of trees; roads, reddish-brown between red lines for principal routes; single red and reddish-brown for less-important roads; moorland tracks white between black lines; churches drawn in elevation and in different sizes; Buckland Abbey and Tavistock named; boundary marks of Dartmoor named in scrolls and marked by a series of roundels; where boundary is indicated by individual stones a cairn is drawn except for Siward’s Cross which is shown by a cross; where names are too close to be written legibly they are marked by letter keyed to a list enclosed in rectangular cartouche, 23.4cms x 17.1cms Decoration: cartouche: simple acanthus with pendant acorn below Note:: modern copy [needing repair] at Duchy of Cornwall DCO 589 Publication: j,V. Somers Cocks, ‘Dartmoor Devonshire’ in Local Maps & Plans from Medieval England, R.A. Skelton & P.D.A. Harvey eds, (OUP, 1986), 293-302
temp. Henry VIII    PRO    S.C.    12/2/39
Title: informacions for my lorde prynce to the kynges most Honorable Counsell concernyng my said Lrde prynces Forest of Dartmoor in the Countye of Devonshire &c in the mores & wastes to the same belongyn’
Surveyor: not named Sc ale: not given
Material, Size & Orientation: parchment, ?ink; 2 sheets, 61cms x 80cms and 51,3cms x 65cms; no direction Content: four concentric circles:-
Inner circle, diameter 16.9cms. ‘This lytell compas betokenyth the Foreste. The seconde compas betokenythe the waste ehich lyeth from the Forest unto the ... hit ys callyd the Commyners of I levonshire. The thirde compas Betokenithe the vyndefylde men there whichc be the kynges and myelorde princes is tenants. The fourthe compas betokenyth the hole shere of Devonshire. The lytell ?forykes aboute thecorndyches ys callyd the Lypeyattes for to goo unto the wast more and Forest’
Second circle, diameter 23.8ems, segmented:- ‘Este lypc yatte North ockentin yatte Weste pykeyeatte Southe sceryton yeatte’
third circle, diameter 29.8cms. 'The vyndefeld men of dene had Ougborowe The vyndelelde men ofcornewode had Harfford The vyndeflde men of schystor had meavye The vyndefelde men of Shaye|Shaugh| and Whittechurche, The vyndelfelde men of
Devon Maps
Walkynton and Samford The vynefelde men of Okenton and Southawt: The vynfelde men of Gydley and Throwely The vynde-felde men of Chageford and Manaton’
Fourth circle, diameter 36.8cms [no inscription]
Note: written information on the wintering of cattle on the K ing’s tennants holdings
Endorsed: lands of the Abbot of Buckfast expressed as a diagrammatic plan. Closes are shown as rectangles and include ‘a close callyd knowthome that the fyer bekon standith on’ with a drawing of the beacon; a road described as ‘This waye lyethe from Dartbrogge towardes the Forest of Dartmore’; ‘Parish church of Buckfastlee’ shown as a representation of a tower with a letter P superimposed; representation of a castle; details of rents payable Publication: E.J. Beer, Buckfastleigh Remembered (Privately published, 1981), map of Buckfastleigh only

Friday, 4 May 2018

Skeletons uncovered at Ipplepen reveals major Roman cemetery

Skeletons uncovered at Ipplepen reveals major Roman cemetery

15 ancient skeletons have been discovered on an archaeological dig in Ipplepen, a major Romano-British settlement in Devon and now the best preserved Roman cemetery. University of Exeter archaeologists and a team of students and volunteers uncovered the human remains during an excavation of a Roman Road and found a roadside cemetery, the like of which has never been seen in the region.
The significance of the discovery took on further importance when one of the skeletons was found to date from around 250 to 350 years after the Roman period, an era often referred to as the ‘dark ages’. These discoveries are of both national and regional value in providing a glimpse into Romano-British life and how the settlement continued into post-Roman times.
The project team are still in the early stages of analysis, and it is hoped that research will be able to provide valuable information about the life of individuals including age, diet, and disease. The team are also hoping isotope analysis will indicate the geographic origin of individuals. Stable isotopes in water are taken into tooth enamel when a person is young. As the isotope signatures in water vary geographically, it is possible to indicate where a person grew up. The team hope to be able to see if individuals are from Devon or from further reaches of the Roman Empire. Additional radiocarbon dating is also needed to help determine when the roadside cemetery first came into use.
Danielle Wootton, the Devon Finds Liaison Officer for the Portable Antiquities Scheme, based at the University of Exeter’s Archaeology Department said:“The geophysics results indicated the features were interesting, but we didn’t know what the level of preservation or the extent would be until we started excavating last summer.  As the excavation progressed, it became clear that we were dealing with the largest Romano-British cemetery discovered in Devon and that it had huge potential to develop our understanding of settlements and how people lived in the southwest 2,000 years ago. Then the radiocarbon date of AD 655 – 765 brought even further revelations; everyone was very surprised. It suggests continuation of the settlement after the Roman period and shows that life carried on at Ipplepen rather than falling out of use.”
Sam Moorhead, National Finds Adviser for Iron Age and Roman coins at the British Museum said:“We always thought that Ipplepen was special, but the excavations continue to throw up new surprises.”
Danielle Wootton added: “The site was originally discovered by Jim Wills and Dennis Hewings, who reported their metal-detected finds with the Portable Antiquities Scheme. Since then, the excavation has gone from strength to strength; it’s been great to have the support of the community; hundreds of people visited our open day last year and villagers have been fantastic.”  
This summer the Ipplepen site will be excavated on 6- 31 July, providing another opportunity for archaeologists and volunteers to further explore the location where the cemetery and Roman Road were found. This year additional archaeological knowledge and expertise will be brought to the dig by University of Exeter archaeologists Dr John Davey and Professor Stephen Rippon. The project is able to offer 20 free volunteer places (five each week) to Devon residents. Excavation volunteers must be able to commit to a week and enjoy working outdoors in all weathers. There will be a site open day for visitors with guided excavation tours and opportunities to see some of the finds. Further information for the Ipplepen Field School is on the University of Exeter, Archaeology website and the date of the Open Day will be announced in the local press at the end of June.
County Archaeologist Bill Horner commented:“This is one of the most important discoveries in Devon in recent years. The concentration and range of finds and archaeological features is really exciting. It is also a very good example of how a real partnership can get so much more than just objects and reports out of archaeology. It has been great playing a part in the discovery of such a site, to work alongside the University staff and students, and British Museum experts, but it has been a real delight to see the local community embrace the project and get so hands-on in exploring their own and the county’s heritage.”
BBC 4’s Digging for Britain new series will feature the huge Roman settlement in Ipplepen and show the results of this exciting find as part of the series 3 West of England programme on Tuesday 10 February at 8pm. Archaeologists from the University of Exeter feature in the popular programme which focuses on Britain’s best excavations of 2014.

The project is supported by the University of Exeter, the Portable Antiquities Scheme, the British Museum and Devon County Council. The radiocarbon testing was generously funded by Teignbridge District Council.

Roman cemetery

A "major" Roman cemetery has been discovered during an archaeological dig in Devon.
Experts found 15 skeletons during the excavation of a Roman road at Ipplepen, near Exeter.
Tests on one of the skeletons showed the settlement was in use up to 350 years after the Roman period ended, which has surprised experts.
Archaeologists said the discoveries were both nationally and regionally important.

Danielle Wootton, from the Portable Antiquities Scheme, said: "As the excavation progressed, it became clear that we were dealing with one of the most significant Romano-British cemeteries discovered in Devon and that it had huge potential to develop our understanding of settlements and how people lived in the South West 2,000 years ago."
The Romans invaded Britain in 43 AD and their reign ended in about 410 AD.
Ms Wootton said the discovery of a body from up to 350 years after they left "suggests continuation of the settlement after the Roman period and shows that life carried on at Ipplepen rather than falling out of use."
The team, from the University of Exeter, hopes further research will more about the ages of those who died, along with the diets and diseases they had.
Bill Horner, county archaeologist, said: "This is one of the most important discoveries in Devon in recent years.
"The concentration and range of finds and archaeological features is really exciting."
The Ipplepen project is supported by the University of Exeter, the Portable Antiquities Scheme, the British Museum and Devon County Council.

Saturday, 28 April 2018

Bottle Hill Mine is situated just over two miles northeast of Plympton.

Bottle Hill Mine is situated just over two miles northeast of Plympton.
 Otherwise known as Old Bottle Hill Mine,

 due to the fact that it dates from the early 1700's,
 the mine worked four E-W tin and copper lodes, known as North Lode (Blanchard's), Main Lode, Buckinghouse (Caunter) Lode and South Lode. It also worked a N-S lead bearing crosscourse.
Production records report that early production was tin and that between 1823 and 1835 - 1800 tons of 4.75% copper ore was raised. Between 1837-39 and 1852-85 - 640 tons of black tin was produced. In the period 1856 to 1875 - 200 tons copper ore was raised. In addition the mine produced 30 tons arsenopyrite and 13 tons of arsenic.

southwestern slope of Hemerdon Bal

Hemerdon Mine (approx. 0.2 km; TUNGSTEN & TIN)
Bottle Hill (approx. 0.8 km; COPPER, TIN & ARSENIC)
Wheal Mary Hutchings (approx. 0.9 km; TIN & ARSENIC)
Lobb Mine (approx. 0.9 km; TIN & ARSENIC)
Sidney Mine (approx. 2.4 km; TIN & ARSENIC)
Borringdon Consols (approx. 4.5 km; LEAD, SILVER, ZINC, ARSENOPYRITE & COPPER)
Cann Mine (approx. 4.9 km)
Shaugh Mine (approx. 6.0 km; IRON)
Ivybridge Consols (approx. 8.1 km; SILVER-LEAD)
Kit (approx. 9.0 km; TIN)

Including Mary Hutchings, the mines lie on the southwestern slope of Hemerdon Bal, about two miles northeast of Plympton. Mary Hutchings sett lay to the west working a single lode from Engine Shaft. Hemerdon Consols worked three lodes.

Production records report that for Mary Hutchings between 1866 and 1880 - 426 tons of black tin. Between 1873 and 1879 - 263 tons of arsenic. 188 tons of mispickel were raised between 1874-76. For Hemerdon Consols in 1855-56 23 tons of black tin were raised.

Drakelands Mine The Drakelands Mine is a recently constructed world-class tungsten and tin mine

Drakelands Mine



The Drakelands processing plant produces tungsten and tin concentrates. Ore is fed into the processing plant where it is crushed and ground to liberate the minerals from the rock, and then separated and upgraded using various gravity, heavy media, flotation and magnetic processes.

The processing plant will produce approximately 5,000t tungsten concentrate and 1,000t tin concentrate each year  – equivalent to 1 truck a day exported to customers in Europe, USA and Asia.

near Lower Hooksbury Wood


Wolf Minerals (UK) Limited: application made to abstract water

Published 7 February 2018

This notice was withdrawn on

The consultation period for this application has ended. You can view current licences on the Public Registers.

Lower Hooksbury Wood

Industrial Archaeological Features Industrial activity finds its most striking manifestation in a very fine example of medieval and later tin working. It takes the form of an openwork over one km. long from east to west and up to 250m. wide (L). The worked area has scarped sides up to 6m. deep and it is filled with tinners’ shafts, trial pits, and waste heaps (not depicted in detail on this overlay). The west end of the openwork runs into Lower Hooksbury Wood, where it is not visible on air photographs. It is served by numerous leats running in from north and south and the actual remains of some mining buildings appear to survive in places, particularly at Wheal Florence (M) where the remains of a whim platform can also be recorded. A very unusual alignment of pits (N), presumably derives from mineral prospecting but their date and specific function are unknown.